Swimming for Soccer Players

If you’re a soccer player, you know that staying in shape in and out of season is key—however, you don’t have to spend time on the field or in the gym to do it! In fact, if you have a backyard pool, you’re already well on your way to a fitness routine you can be proud of.

In today’s blog, we will be looking at some of the best swimming exercises and activities for soccer players of every skill level to try this summer.

Deep water running

Spending time in the water doesn’t always require swimming—in fact, your pool might be the perfect place to improve your running form! Deep water running, also known as aqua jogging, always you to “run” (either in place or from end to end) in the pool, giving you a chance to perfect your running stance and improve your endurance. Unlike running on solid ground, however, your feet and ankles won’t feel the same impact, making this an excellent exercise for those recovering from injuries to this area.

Interested in starting this unique exercise? A special buoyancy belt will help you keep an upright form as you run, but you can get started without one, too. Simply head toward your pool’s deep end and move your arms and legs as if you were really running on the field. When done with the proper running form—tilted slightly forward—you will feel the resistance of a good workout.

Lap swimming

Of course, we couldn’t make a list of great in-pool exercises without mentioning lap swimming! This is certainly the most popular and widely-practiced in-pool activity, but did you know just how beneficial it could be for you as a soccer player? Swimming laps (or swimming in a resistance jet pool) allows you to keep up your cardiovascular fitness… so even if you’re not on the field, you’re doing something that will benefit you and your body anyway.

Water fun

Finally, we can’t forget about the merits of simple water fun and games. Activities like volleyball and water polo can serve as perfect team activities for the offseason—not only do they keep you active, they give you a chance to work and communicate with your team toward a common goal, which can help you immensely once the season starts back up again.

We hope that these exercises help you stay in shape and, of course, have fun!

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